The leads page is adjacent to the application process. Leads come in either from the website or uploaded from webinars hosted by the Engagement team.

The Leads page is where all the records start. This list of people will continue to grow as the form is open year around and the webinars will be hosted periodically. This page is meant to aid you in finding people to fill open seats.

These people have registered their interest, but may need a reminder when you reach out to them, since it may be a while between them filling out a form or attending a webinar and you contacting them. Which is why we have added the 'Created Time' column. This shows you at what day this lead came into the system.

The notes section is available to the ones that have filled out the 'Register Your Councillor Interest' form. Many people choose to give some context to why they are interested in being a councillor, we suggest you take a read through!

Now the main action to take on the Leads page, is checking the circle in the 'Contacted?' column. By checking that, the lead will move to the Contacted Leads page, and will be out of sight from the Leads page. This is to keep track of the people you have contacted and the ones you have yet to contact.

The 'Webinar Attended?' column will either have a yes, no, or blank. No means that they registered for the webinar but did not actually attend. The blank means we do not have information on whether they attended or not. 

As noted above, this page houses the leads that have the 'Contacted?' circle checked. If you made a mistake and want the person to show in the Leads page again, simply click the check and it will uncheck and move the lead back to the Leads page.

Both pages have 'Last Modified By' which will help keep track of who is making changes to these records.

Here is the leads form, we encourage you to share with anyone interested!

It can be found on the Labour website, in the resources section. Search for "Register Your Councillor Interest"