1. Find an email where you wish to view the statistics and click the 3 dots at the side select 'View Stats.'

2. Click under any of the tabs (Sent/Delivered/Opened) click "View Details"

3. This part will tell you the number of people who did and did not receive or open your email.

4. This part will tell you who didn't receive your email and the reason for it. Which will give you the opportunity to contact them another way dependent on their communication preferences or give you the opportunity to ask them to update their email address.

5. Under the opened tab, you will see everyone who has opened your email.

There is no list of who your email has been delivered to. But if you wish to check if someone has received one of your emails you can do it on their profile under 'Communications' and the tab 'Email interactions'

Under the sent tab it also lists any email addresses where it has not been sent due to issues with emails/unsubscribes etc.