Labour Party Branches Overview
How to build branches using Branch Builder
Branch Builder can be accessed through Organise at this link:
First, search for your constituency and click on the name to select.
Then click Next.
In the next stage you will set up your branches and assign wards to them. If Branch Builder has been completed previously, you may see some branches already set up at this stage. If Branch Builder has not been completed previously, you will see no branches. To add a new branch, click Add New Branch.
When you have created a branch, a box will appear for it. To assign the wards, drag and drop the relevant wards from the 'Wards to Assign' picker into the relevant branch box. A branch is made up of one or more ward. You should assign all wards that fall within your constituency boundary, even if that is only a small part of the ward. You can ignore any wards shown in the 'Wards to Assign' section that don't fall within your constituency boundary by leaving them in the picker. Click on the arrows to the left and right of the picker to see more wards.
To rename a branch, click Rename to the right of the branch you wish to rename. When you rename an existing branch, you will see this change reflected immediately in Organise, but it will take some time before it shows in other systems such as Admin Hub. To delete a branch, click Delete - any wards assigned to the deleted branch will go back into the 'Wards to Assign' picker.
When you have finished adding or renaming branches and have assigned all the wards, click Confirm to go to the next stage.
You may see a warning message if you try to proceed without assigning all wards. Please ensure that you have not missed any wards or click Confirm if you are certain.
In the final stage of Branch Builder you can review the unassigned wards and the branches you have configured. Scroll down the page to see all branches and their associated wards with maps. If you are happy with your configuration, click Submit to send your branch structures to us.
What happens next?
Further configuration needs to happen in the back end of our systems to get your branches set up. We will collate branch submissions every few weeks and carry out the necessary work so you won't see your changes immediately. You can request a progress update by emailing or clicking 'Contact Us' on Organise.